Office for Student Involvement
312 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4454
(location map)
(248) 370-2400
OSI Office Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
OSI Service Window Hours:
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Golden Grizzlies Pantry
The Golden Grizzlies Pantry continues to provide food assistance to students through the Student Emergency Relief Fund. If you need assistance, please apply for the Student Emergency Relief Fund.
The University strives to equip students with resources to overcome obstacles. To help students achieve the utmost success, the Golden Grizzlies’ Pantry tackles the barriers related to food insecurities.
An average of 36 percent of university students nationwide report experiencing food insecurity at some point in their college education (Goldrick-Rab, Richardson, Schneider, Hernandez & Cady, 2018).
The Golden Grizzlies Pantry assists those in need by providing food and community resources to positively impact their success at Oakland University. Students shouldn’t have to worry about where their next meal is coming from.
Who can shop in the pantry?
Any current Oakland University community member, including alumni, can shop in the pantry.
What do I need to do before shopping in the pantry?
First time shoppers are encouraged to submit a Golden Grizzlies Pantry Intake Form.
How do I shop in the pantry?
- If you are a first-time shopper, we encourage you to submit the Golden Grizzlies Pantry Intake Form.
- After submitting the intake form, or if you are a returning shopper, you can take one of our bags and shop for anything you need, no questions asked.
- To check out, place your items on a scale. You can then fill out the check-out form on our iPad, recording the weight of your items. Feel free to remain anonymous!
*Clothing items from the garment closet do not need to be weighed*
How much does the food, hygiene products and clothing cost?
Nothing! Everything the pantry provides is FREE.
Do I need to schedule an appointment to shop in the pantry?
Appointments aren't necessary, but if you feel more comfortable, you can schedule an appointment!
How do I donate to the pantry?
Donations can be dropped off in the pantry during hours of operation, next door in the OSI office, or in our Donation Bin outside. Appointments are also available.
What can I donate to the pantry?
The pantry accepts non-perishable food items, perishables (refrigerated, not frozen), hygiene products and gift cards to local stores.
The garment closet accepts business/business-casual clothing and/or OU spirit-wear.
What should I avoid donating?
Expired food, frozen items, food that contains alcohol, medications, homemade food and stained/ripped clothing.
In-demand Items
- Canned meat (tuna, chicken)
- Canned fruits and vegetables
- Spices/condiments
- Microwaveable meals (ramen, macaroni and cheese)
- International items (Halal diet)
- Hygiene products (shampoo, conditioner, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, etc)
- Gluten-free/vegan/vegetarian options
Interested in hosting a food drive? Contact us at
Winter Semester Hours
Tuesday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Wednesday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Thursday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday: 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Contact Us:
Phone: (248) 370-2731
Oakland Center, Room 49G 312 Meadow Brook Road Rochester, Michigan 48309-4454
Our volunteers play a key role in the success of our food pantry. Before volunteering in the pantry, please complete the following:
- Please read and submit a Volunteer Agreement Form before volunteering in the pantry.
- Sign up to volunteer by using the Volunteer Sign Up Form on our calendar.
Volunteer duties include:
- Answering walk-in inquiries
- Assisting with check-out, weighing items and updating the online database
- Helping load, unload and pick up at various sites across campus
- Counting items in the food pantry and helping maintain an inventory sheet
- Maintaining the cleanliness of the pantry
- Sorting through food items
- Organizing the garment closet
- Checking the coupon board for expired coupons
- Make/decorate motivational cards
Follow the link to our community resource guide. We have compiled a list of different resources that you may need for your convenience. If you are not able to find what you need, please reach out to and we will do our best to help you find resources!